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The Crimson Frost Birch is a weeping purple leaf birch best adapted to moist sites with deep, loose soil with irrigation provided in times of drought.  Few urban sites fit these requirements.  Watch for Pests if grown on other sites.  Quick action is essential if Pests are noticed.  Crimson Frost recovers best from spring transplanting.  The white exfoliating trunk contrast nicely with dark mulch placed beneath the canopy.  This also helps provide needed moisture to the roots and reduces competition from other plants.  Expand the mulched area each year to eliminate grass and other plants from beneath the canopy. Buy Crimson Frost Birch for its deep purple foliage.

Order by PHONE: We're glad to take your order by phone. For your convenience, we have a toll free number  800 568-9179.  Phone orders can be charged to VISA or MasterCard accounts.

Order by MAIL: For those who wish to order by mail or prefer to send a check, send orders to: Porcupine Hollow Farm   8593 W. State Rd.  Central Lake, Mi. 49622

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Shipping & Handling: Most orders are shipped UPS. Make sure we have your street address and a daytime phone number.

Please include 20% shipping and packaging with your order.

    Minimum shipping $15    

Michigan Residents add 6% sales tax.