Wholesale & Retail Sales
Pat, Laura, Frankie, Molly & Maggy Hanlon


Red Chokeberry  Aronia arbutifolia  Zone 3-8 

Height 6-10'  Spread  4-6'


Habitat.  Grows best on fertile, moist, well drained soils. Can grow on dry sandy soils once established and do well in clay soils. Red Chokeberry will grow in half shade or full sun but for best berry production full sun is best. This is a North American native found naturally in wetter areas, thickets and swamps. It is useful in mass plantings, has a moderate growth rate and is very hardy and easy to care for. The red chokeberry has a distinct upright appearance with multiple stems and tends to get a bit leggy which can be handled with a set of pruning shears on a nice Saturday afternoon.


Leaves. 2-4" long, elliptical, obovate, with small serrated edges. Very deep green above and somewhat grayish underneath. The fall color is attractive reddish to purple.


Flowers. The flowers are white to slightly reddish, 1-2" diameter, from April to May, south to north.


Fruit. A delightful bright red, hence red chokeberry, about 1/4" diameter, in the fall persisting thru winter in profusion. The fruit is bitter, hence chokeberry.


Winter Buds. The buds are 1/4" to 1/2" long and red to green in color.


Bark. The stems of the red chokeberry are of medium thickness, brown with no thorns.




Pests. The red chokeberry has no major pests but can harbor round headed apple borer and leaf spot.


Distribution. Native to the eastern US but will grow from mid-Maine through northern Illinois to Washington state and south to Orlando, Florida.


Other. Chokeberry is a prized landscape addition as it's bright red berries attract wildlife. Chokeberry makes an ideal shrub for natural areas. It transplants well and has a moderate growth rate. The main cultivar is ' Brilliantissima' noted for more abundant fruit and brilliant fall color. 'erecta' is another cultivar. The red chokeberry has been suggested as an alternative to the Euonymus alatus (burning bush) though I find it nearly impossible to surpass the brilliant red fall color of the burning bush.




We have Red Chokeberry for sale.

Fruit of red chokeberry

Upright form

To buy Red Chokeberry seedlings by PHONE: We're glad to take your order by phone. For your convenience, we have a toll free number  800 568-9179.  Phone orders can be charged to VISA or MasterCard accounts.

To buy Red Chokeberry seedling by MAIL: For those who wish to order by mail or prefer to send a check, send orders to: Porcupine Hollow Farm   8593 W. Old State Rd.  Central Lake, Mi. 49622

To order Red Chokeberry seedlings using our secure shopping cart:

Plant Type
Plant Type Age Size Quanity / Price
Chokeberry-Red Aronia arbutifolia 6-12"

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Shipping & Handling: Most orders are shipped UPS. Make sure we have your street address and a daytime phone number.

Please include 20% shipping and packaging with your order.

    Minimum shipping $15    

Michigan Residents add 6% sales tax.  


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